Slippery Slopes on The left, Keep true
The world of 2019 is more divided on the idea of free speech than ever in modern history. With ideas of banning hate speech aka speech that offends someone getting more and more popular with young people. I think the problem is that for every person, history began the day they were born. Humans prove either uninterested or unable to grasp and learn from history hence we keep making the same mistakes again and again in a viscous cycle of stupidity fueled by ignorance, low resolution, short sighted black or white thinking. Free speech is one of the keystones of a free functioning society and infringing upon this human right is a slope so slippery, it makes mount Everest look like a sand dune in comparison. This is something history has already showed us by playing out the French Revolution. 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it' So let's look at the french revolution and see if we can learn something and dodge the bullet of censorship...