
Showing posts from July, 2019

And that's that !

So now that we understand that individuals are not the author of their thoughts and hence actions, let us look at how understanding that free will is just an illusion affects people and their lives. For thousands of years, we have concluded wrongly that every person is freely making decisions and choices based on our incomplete understanding of folk psychology and various religious texts. The common folk psychology view is that everyone acts freely in the world based on the ability to make free conscious choices bestowed upon humans by the creator of the universe and hence it is every person's duty to act in a good and moral way. Any deviation from this principle is seen as a dysfunction on the part of the human and the individual is solely held responsible for his/her actions as if they could have done otherwise. Once we start to understand the nature of human consciousness and actions, this practice of contributing blame to  a single individual about his/her acti

Physics says NO !

                                There are no spirits. We should all agree that human beings are physical entities made up of atoms. So any arguments of there being non-physical entities interacting with humans are very archaic and frankly garbage proposals. It only takes some basic reasoning to debunk the spirit hypotheses. If the entities were non-physical then how are they interacting with physical systems made up of physical objects? Even if they could interact with the physical, the evidence of instances of some non-physical forces meddling with the physical world are completely absent in the physics lab and exist only in the realm of the human psyche in the form of stories, literature, drama and some very unreliable eyewitness testimonies. The more modern and scientific argument advocating for the presence of spirits is as follows -    ‘ what if the spirits are made up of physical particles , but the particles are just not discovered yet ? We have been discovering new pa

My will triumphed tonight

                                          Lets consider the question -  do human beings pose any control over the conditions of their birth? Conditions like geographical location, which family to be born in , with what set of chromosomes ? Regardless of what most people might say , Let's get this straight . It is a common occurrence to find a person wondering about the fact that they were luckily or unluckily born in their family . Some people marvel at the fact of being born healthy in a nice rich household in the ‘modern times’ where the world is relatively peaceful with high implausibility of huge disasters and war . Whereas some blame God and turn nihilistic and bitter for being given a bad set of bad genetics , poor parents and bad social conditions. This kind of thinking is primitive , archaic and insufficient at best . It is looking at the problem backwards !  You weren't born into your particular household , The child born into your particular household was yo

I Willy Nilly Wrote This

Critically discussing whether people got free will                Since the past two millennia philosophers , scientists , yogi’s , priests and some common folk all seem to have been interested in the question about the existence of free will. Debating whether humans make their own choices, not determined by prior causes and free from any divine intervention Or are they simply like a complex machine with every choice , decision and action already programmed and determined . To study this question we would have to probe into the human mind using the tools of various fields of sciences that look into the makeup of this animal; Psychology , Biochemistry and physics . Using advanced research already done in these fields we can critically analyse the existence or the extent of free will by looking at the biological , psychological and the physical underpinnings of human thoughts , decisions and actions . This philosophical inquiry is important and relevant as it makes us question th

Another rule

How to gain muscle  As already discussed you want to gain muscle mass. it's going to make you stronger, more resistant, confident, aesthetic and it will increase your resting calorie expenditure and work as a long-term strategy to negate fat gain. If a biologist were to write a book on bodybuilding it would be 2 sentences long - Consume more calories than your expenditure. Break you muscle by resistance training and repair it with a high protein diet and good rest.  When the muscle is repaired it is made more resistant and fortified and bigger than it was before to make sure similar damage does not occur in the future. You increase the intensity of the resistance training, the muscle breaks again and is repaired again stronger than before. Repeat this cycle for endless loops for the killer bod. Now all the muscle gaining techniques work towards these goals. imma list and explain em 1.      Eat constantly - so the body can exist in either a catabolic (bo