
Events Ain't Shit

Happiness is neurotransmitters, their presence, concentration and release We think that every event in your life is significant as all of your happiness and mindstates depend upon the apparent sequence of events in your life. This is true in the short-run however it is evidently clear that almost all major events, good or bad. have little to no impact on your mindset and happiness levels few years down the road. This obviously excludes events that directly lead to some physical brain damage or immediate and direct triggering of psychotic illnesses. Happiness can be measured with brain activity. Not perfectly but enough clinical correlations have been established to hint at causations. People supplied with serotonin mimicking drugs do end up with a better sense of well being regardless of the events or situations in their life. Thinking of extreme shit an opioid/heroin shot comes to mind that has the ability to significantly alter mood states just by messing and tinkering with the ch...

The simulated universes and why they should be real

                       First off, Everything is mathematical. Ever since scientists have been exploring the cosmos and trying to figure out the underlying mechanisms of the universe, with every layer they unfold, they have been greeted with a more and more complex symphony of various algorithms which tell matter and space how to behave . Every behavior of every element of our universe can be reduced to an algorithm which accurately predicts the future. The universe reveals itself to be very similar to a computer code which maybe somebody wrote (If you want to go the creationist route). It is so mathematical that it might as well just be a computer programme running on a super computer in an ‘Outside’ real universe. Secondly , It's only statistical                        Simulations have been a par...

Slippery Slopes on The left, Keep true

The world of 2019 is more divided on the idea of free speech than ever in modern history. With ideas of banning hate speech aka speech that offends someone getting more and more popular with young people. I think the problem is that for every person, history began the day they were born. Humans prove either uninterested or unable to grasp and learn from history hence we keep making the same mistakes again and again in a viscous cycle of stupidity fueled by ignorance, low resolution, short sighted black or white thinking. Free speech is one of the keystones of a free functioning society and infringing upon this human right is a slope so slippery, it makes mount Everest look like a sand dune in comparison. This is something history has already showed us by playing out the French Revolution. 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat  it' So let's look at the french revolution and see if we can learn something and dodge the bullet of censorship...

And that's that !

So now that we understand that individuals are not the author of their thoughts and hence actions, let us look at how understanding that free will is just an illusion affects people and their lives. For thousands of years, we have concluded wrongly that every person is freely making decisions and choices based on our incomplete understanding of folk psychology and various religious texts. The common folk psychology view is that everyone acts freely in the world based on the ability to make free conscious choices bestowed upon humans by the creator of the universe and hence it is every person's duty to act in a good and moral way. Any deviation from this principle is seen as a dysfunction on the part of the human and the individual is solely held responsible for his/her actions as if they could have done otherwise. Once we start to understand the nature of human consciousness and actions, this practice of contributing blame to  a single individual about his/her...